Cyber Camping at the Border of Reality


In my life, the summer months bring anniversaries filled with memories of lessons learned, loved ones who have passed or chosen to move away. I celebrate the lessons learned by remembering a friend who taught me that you have to take a chance and savor the moment because you don’t know if or when the opportunity may come again. I celebrate my Mom, who will forever be a part of me.  I send a virtual package of loving vibes to family far away in celebration of life.

This month, I’ve enjoyed getting into my fantasy fiction piece and taking a break.  I’m totally appreciating the fact that it’s not an actual event or a true story.  I feel it gives me a bit more license to explore other themes or enter other realms.  The story that I’m working on had been floating in my head for years, and I wondered how I would bring it to life.  As is true to much of my other writing, this story started with a snapshot of a memory. A seemingly insignificant incident has blossomed into a fantastic account of what could be if we were to believe in alternative truths.  In our current society, we cringe at the words “alternative truths.”  There is a dark side to an “alternative truth,” but I want to make this one fun, positive Moon in the treesand thoughtful.

I have been encouraged to put extra energy into this project after a writer friend from work, reserved a small virtual cabin at CampNaNoWriMo 2019.  Three of us share this cabin, which I believe, sits next to a beautiful, clear lake in the woods where there are no mosquitos or snakes, and the temperature is never above 75 degrees – even during a Florida summer.  The virtual campground seems endless, and along with countless other campers, we each pick out a time and a place that best suits our creativity.

At registration, we were asked to identify our favorite camp activity. My first inclination was to respond that what I like most about cyber camping is sleeping in my own bed and not in a sleeping bag on the ground. I won’t have to worry that night critters are trying to get in my tent. I conceded, however, that I enjoy singing campy songs around the fire and walking on trails to take in all the sights and sounds of the forest. To get inspiration, I sit out on the imaginary porch with a glass of iced tea or climb into my hammock and start swinging to get into the rhythm of my story – all in my head, of course, just a warm-up.

Tree survives another stormBI’ve written before that I like letting my imagination explore beyond the edge of reality.  I’m looking forward to discovering where this story will take me.  So far, it’s been fun, gathering unusual individuals who coincidently have some characteristics of people who have crossed my path or shared valuable lessons in different stages of my life. I’m working on telling the story in a way that has a message while still being amusing, sensational, and unpredictable.

Next installment coming soon.


Photos are my own;  taken with my phone on recent walks.  I find them a bit odd or surreal but inspirational for my story.

7 thoughts on “Cyber Camping at the Border of Reality

  1. Thank you for sharing a part of your world!!.. I find letting one’s fingers do the walking (typing) and while one’s heart does the talking one rarely goes wrong… 🙂

    “The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe.” Gustave Flaubert

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