Politics Anyone?

silhouette of people beside usa flag

Primaries are done here in Florida, and my two favorite candidates did not move on to November’s general elections.  I suspected as much, but I was hoping that others would get on board after they got to know them and saw how hard they were working.  Don’t get me wrong, we had many qualified candidates running for various seats, but these two guys gave me a good feeling.  They were in it, heart and soul; no frills, no deals –just hard work.  

I am pretty passionate about politics, not necessarily politicizing all current events or as in nonstop mud-slinging campaigns, but I am a firm believer that every vote does count.  I often hear people say they don’t vote because they don’t believe in the process or politicians are all crooks.  It is sad that people don’t care enough to do the research or look beyond the headlines.  In some cases, it’s getting past the smoke and mirrors to see behind the Wizard’s curtain as Dorothy did the Land of Oz.  It irritates me when the same people are the first to complain about the schools, roads, and the water pollution for example.  I have known a few politicians personally who sincerely got decided to get involved in politics for the love of their communities.  These individuals stepped into the arena believing one voice; one vote could make a difference.  We have seen it in recent history in Congress and the Senate and elections around the country.

I can speak most about the man who was running for a congressional seat in my district in this recent election. He lives in my city. I didn’t know him before, but I saw firsthand how he managed the campaign, but more importantly, how he handled himself, and I was moved to support him.  Let’s call him Fred.  

Fred is an educated professional, a trained social worker, and an executive director of a large healthcare facility.  If I were to guess, I’d say he’s in his early forties and looks fine in his campaign photos.  Fred is an unassuming family man who moved to Florida about 20 years ago from the Midwest, looking for a better life for his family with the chance to enjoy a variety of outdoor sports.  He and his family have been active in a local church and through the years have been involved in a variety of volunteer projects like Habitat for Humanity.  

Fred decided to get into politics after sitting with families in financial crisis due to medical bills while dealing with terminal illness and end of life realities.   Before the big news about toxic algae and intensified red tide blooms, he was concerned about the ecological changes to Florida’s natural resources and talk in Washington about eliminating Environmental Protection Agency safeguards.  In short, Fred decided to enter politics because he wanted to be a voice, an agent for change.   He had no interested in becoming a “career politician,” he wanted to get in get things done and get back to his family and his career, his life’s mission of helping the less fortunate.

During the campaign, Fred worked hard.  His was a barebones, grassroots effort.  He took pride in not taking any money from donors with big pockets who would later come knocking on his door for favors.  For the most part, he supported his campaign from his own finances.  He rolled up his sleeves to make signs, and tee shirts.  He traveled around his district knocking on doors and holding town meetings to hear the concerns of his constituents.   So why would a nice, qualified guy like Fred not make it past the primaries?   The answer is complicated. 

As I said at the beginning of this post, both primary candidates were well qualified but this is the Twenty-first Century, and it takes a bit more than good old blood, sweat, and tears to win an election.   His opponent, let’s call him Doug, decided to run shortly after newly elected officials began their term in 2017.  Doug then had a six-month head start to get his team together and get his name out there to begin networking and making connections for fundraising efforts.  Doug’s training was in administration and finances.  He had his own company and was skilled in marketing and selling his agenda in social circles.  He had a more integrated web presence including a well-organized and attractive web page.  These things are critical in today’s elections because our society has become reliant on social media for answers and information.   

Doug will need more funds for an intense media campaign to include TV and print ads as he looks toward the general election in November.   His opponent is the incumbent and has personal resources as well as the backing of the NRA and ultra-conservative Political Action Committees which can represent business, labor and a variety of special interests.  This brings me to why I am in favor of campaign reform, especially when it comes to fundraising efforts.

We have seen time and again good candidates, backed by well-meaning grassroots operations, unable to move forward due to insufficient funds.   We have seen special interest groups pour money into campaigns in order to cash in on favors that will benefit a specific group by way of policy changes or government spending.  In 2010 the US Supreme Court ruled that political donations and spending is a form of promoting free speech protected under the First Amendment.  Since then the Federal Election Commission, which regulates campaign money, has repeatedly asked Congress to amend the law.  If you follow politics, you will notice how much of what can be called “dirty politics” is protected under this law. 

I think we need to get back to protecting the rights of our citizens so that anyone who has the ability and the passion can run for office and succeed.   In the meantime, I will back the candidates that support my beliefs.  I don’t believe in extremes of black and white.  I think reality is mostly shades of gray.  The truth lies somewhere in the middle.  I believe that the United States of America is a great country. I believe that the writers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution had the foresight to know that the future would change their reality but the upcoming generations would be entitled to the same “unalienable rights.”  

With that in mind, I intend to volunteer for the candidates of my choice to represent me.  I will continue to encourage everyone to make informed decisions, to look beyond the headlines. Please don’t pass on misinformation just because the heading caught your eye. If something sounds outrageous, go beyond the headlines, look it up in different sites or publications.  Mostly I challenge people to cross over and listen respectfully with an open mind to what “the other side” has to say.   Not trolling for argument’s sake, but to really understand.  You’ll find that the average person on either side wants similar basic things.  Don’t buy into the fear and hysteria LOOK It Up and then share what you’ve learned. 

And there you have it my friend, my political spiel.   On to November! 

7 thoughts on “Politics Anyone?

  1. Well said, I agree and think that what you have said is true for any country. Here in Australia we have many of hte same dilemmas.We have compulsory voting but you can’ t stop people from voting invalid on purpose. I meet people who say “Why bother?” and “They are all the same.” I tell them that if they don’t vote they don’t have the right to complain about the outcome. Back when I was 12, years old a teacher told our seventh grade class that everyone’s vote was important and that you should never vote a certain way just because your family always voted that way or someone told you to. To do that would be wasting your vote he said. I never forgot it. I would vote for a person like “Fred”. I want someone who cares about helping others more than playing party politics or being a career politician. They say nice guys don’t win but if they are to have a chance we have to help them by making informed choices I believe.


    1. I totally believe in the importance of voting. Your 7th grade teacher was on point. Yeah sad “Fred” didn’t make it to the general election but the other guy had the same badic principles and will look better in debates which will hopefully win the ticket which is more important in the big picture I suppose. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I truly appreciate it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Six years later I went to vote for the very first time with my mother and step dad and heard mum ask my step dad “Who are we voting for?” She probably meant which candidates belong to which party but I was still shocked that she hadn’t bothered to find out.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. My hairdressor told me something similar the other day. “I’ll ask my fiance”she told me. My head was in her hands so I halfheartedly spoke to her about I own feeling of responsibility to learn as much as I can.😑

        Liked by 1 person

  2. My pleasure. You have cut me off at the knees with your answer, because what I really wanted to know was, if you don’t agree with anyone, do you vote for the best of the worst, or do you not vote at all. I think I have my answer. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Lindi,
    I am Canadian, so have no investment in your political decisions. I congratulate you on looking deeply at the candidates, and choosing those whose beliefs are cl9sest to yours. But those candidates are now gone, so what are you left with to vote for? From your post it sounds like the people you will be choosing between are career politicians, or ar the very least, “wanna-be” career politicians, those who don’t really care about the things you care about.
    This is what I am taking away from your post, so if I am wrong, please correct me. Until then I will withhold my real comment. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry it’s not clear. The other candidates have good credentials. I don’t really know the other state candidates personally but I believe I am a pretty good judge of character. I will back the cause and as I participate in the campaigns I get to know them better. If I find that they don’t really believe in what they are saying but just singing the party song, I will resign from the team. I have on occasion voted outside my party affiliation if the situation merits it. I am predicting that won’t happen in this election. I have not seen anything that will make me want to vote differently. That’s just my humble opinion. Thanks for stopping by.


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